introduced Jira Sofware over 10 years ago, and we used Confluence previously but not anymore. Actually, the software developers initially pushed the Atlassian software, but it’s important to note that although the majority of the workers are IT professionals, we have marketing, HR, etc too. Right now, we’ve been looking at Jira Work Management as a viable option for them to track their processes.
There are three kinds of groups using Jira at
1. Power User: they use Jira daily for their tasks, and they keep every list, etc., here. (General, daily tasks, but some special ones too, like HR processes and invoice approvals)
2. Only some parts of their tasks are processed in Jira
3. Only using it when they need to raise a ticket for another team
After 10 years on-premise in 2022, there was time for a big change.
Although we introduced Jira Server 10 years ago when Atlassian announced that they would end the Server platform, it did not shake us. We decided long before that it was best to use cloud services instead of the on-premise solution for our telephone exchange, Git, etc., and of course, Jira too. So it really just sped up the process of migrating to the Cloud. The reason for our vision is that the whole world is moving toward Cloud solutions. It makes maintenance costs lower and has extra security (for example, from an unexpected power outage.
A couple of years ago, Géza Nagy - an affiliate of META-INF - teamed up with the team and helped us move from one Jira Server to another instance, and it was so well made, we only had to update it from time to time.
Since then, we have had three kinds of relationships with META-INF:
So when we decided that it was time for us to migrate, we asked META-INF to examine the Jira on-premise version and delegate the migration process. The complete Jira Cloud migration was made by Tamás Medvey & the META-INF Atlassian Consulting team.
META-INF said that this migration is a great chance to look at our configuration and apps to ensure that everything is optimized. We looked at the apps we installed over the last 10 years and tried to validate them.
Thanks to the Jira Cloud functionalities, after the examination, we were able to skim down a large number of apps to just only one: Email This Issue for Jira.
Our HR team uses Email This Issue during the process of choosing from the job applicants.
The applicants are applying via email or the website for a job. If it's via the website the application gets processed into Jira by Email This Issue for Jira. There are many milestones during this process (trial job, interview, etc.) What we really like is the opportunity to create canned responses which are triggered by status changes in Jira. And these responses have the custom fields of the given issue too.
Surprisingly good. We had a trial migration first, and every user was able to try it themselves. They divided into basically two groups:
1. They see it’s different, but it’s okay; they will get used to it
2. Noticed new functionalities they missed from the Server platform
There was an incident. There was an app on our Server instance that modified the description field so they could edit it. It was ages ago, but Jira only had a text field, so installed an app. Of course, over the years, it changed, but the app remained on Jira.
This caused some problems. The Atlassian Migration Tool was not prepared to receive the attached images. This app stored the images in a different place than the issue (the issue only linked to the storage of the image). This problem did not surface during the trial runs, so everyone was a bit taken aback on a Saturday afternoon when the incident happened… The problem was solved via a developer from our team. He wrote a script that located the exact place it was held and sent the information to the issue via an API. It was a bit nerve-wracking because nobody knew if it would work. But everything worked out in the end.
It’s been a month since, and they didn’t experience any problems with the images.
Canceling those apps was a good kind of surprise. By migrating to the Cloud, we were actually able to cut costs.
It really depends on their own circumstances. But overall: don’t be afraid! Atlassian gives support, and adding META-INF to the mix really made the whole process smooth. And also: if you are migrating, be very thorough regarding the preparation process. We made a mistake with one app, and it caused inconveniences during the actual Server-to-Cloud migration.
It’s hard to pinpoint something after 10 years of using Jira… But if I had to, I would say I like that it’s flexible and you can customize it to your own needs.
Interested in migrating to the Cloud? Reach out to our Atlassian experts & let us implement the system you desire.
Figyelem! Ez a bejegyzés több mint 1 éve frissült utoljára, a tartalom bizonyos elemei elavultak lehetnek. introduced Jira Sofware over 10 years ago, and we used Confluence previously but not anymore. Actually, the software developers initially pushed the Atlassian software, but it’s important to note that although the majority of the workers are IT professionals, we have marketing, HR, etc too. Right now, we’ve been looking at Jira Work Management as a viable option for them to track their processes.
There are three kinds of groups using Jira at
1. Power User: they use Jira daily for their tasks, and they keep every list, etc., here. (General, daily tasks, but some special ones too, like HR processes and invoice approvals)
2. Only some parts of their tasks are processed in Jira
3. Only using it when they need to raise a ticket for another team
After 10 years on-premise in 2022, there was time for a big change.
Although we introduced Jira Server 10 years ago when Atlassian announced that they would end the Server platform, it did not shake us. We decided long before that it was best to use cloud services instead of the on-premise solution for our telephone exchange, Git, etc., and of course, Jira too. So it really just sped up the process of migrating to the Cloud. The reason for our vision is that the whole world is moving toward Cloud solutions. It makes maintenance costs lower and has extra security (for example, from an unexpected power outage.
A couple of years ago, Géza Nagy - an affiliate of META-INF - teamed up with the team and helped us move from one Jira Server to another instance, and it was so well made, we only had to update it from time to time.
Since then, we have had three kinds of relationships with META-INF:
So when we decided that it was time for us to migrate, we asked META-INF to examine the Jira on-premise version and delegate the migration process. The complete Jira Cloud migration was made by Tamás Medvey & the META-INF Atlassian Consulting team.
META-INF said that this migration is a great chance to look at our configuration and apps to ensure that everything is optimized. We looked at the apps we installed over the last 10 years and tried to validate them.
Thanks to the Jira Cloud functionalities, after the examination, we were able to skim down a large number of apps to just only one: Email This Issue for Jira.
Our HR team uses Email This Issue during the process of choosing from the job applicants.
The applicants are applying via email or the website for a job. If it's via the website the application gets processed into Jira by Email This Issue for Jira. There are many milestones during this process (trial job, interview, etc.) What we really like is the opportunity to create canned responses which are triggered by status changes in Jira. And these responses have the custom fields of the given issue too.
Surprisingly good. We had a trial migration first, and every user was able to try it themselves. They divided into basically two groups:
1. They see it’s different, but it’s okay; they will get used to it
2. Noticed new functionalities they missed from the Server platform
There was an incident. There was an app on our Server instance that modified the description field so they could edit it. It was ages ago, but Jira only had a text field, so installed an app. Of course, over the years, it changed, but the app remained on Jira.
This caused some problems. The Atlassian Migration Tool was not prepared to receive the attached images. This app stored the images in a different place than the issue (the issue only linked to the storage of the image). This problem did not surface during the trial runs, so everyone was a bit taken aback on a Saturday afternoon when the incident happened… The problem was solved via a developer from our team. He wrote a script that located the exact place it was held and sent the information to the issue via an API. It was a bit nerve-wracking because nobody knew if it would work. But everything worked out in the end.
It’s been a month since, and they didn’t experience any problems with the images.
Canceling those apps was a good kind of surprise. By migrating to the Cloud, we were actually able to cut costs.
It really depends on their own circumstances. But overall: don’t be afraid! Atlassian gives support, and adding META-INF to the mix really made the whole process smooth. And also: if you are migrating, be very thorough regarding the preparation process. We made a mistake with one app, and it caused inconveniences during the actual Server-to-Cloud migration.
It’s hard to pinpoint something after 10 years of using Jira… But if I had to, I would say I like that it’s flexible and you can customize it to your own needs.
Interested in migrating to the Cloud? Reach out to our Atlassian experts & let us implement the system you desire.